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We are now utilising the dedicated emergency service provider Vets Now to handle our out of hours accident and emergency cover. 

Our telephones are passed over to the Vets Now team from 7pm on Monday to Friday and brought back to St Clair at 8am Monday to Saturday. Telephone 01592 328 336

On Saturday the telephones go over to Vets Now at 12 noon and remain with them until 8am Monday morning.

We brought our cat Marvin in to Kirkcaldy on Sunday after a very nasty car accident. The staff were absolutely lovely: they took amazing care of him right up until he lost his fight on Tuesday, keeping us fully up to date and letting us phone at any time. What really made the biggest difference was the phone call we received from one of the vets who'd been off and had only just found out today and wanted to give his condolences - amazing surgery.

Claire Kirk